The Movement of CBD Into Food

Have you noticed CBD-infused drinks and food at your local bar or restaurant? If not, you probably will sooner than you think. The CBD movement is going strong. In fact, there’s even talk that Martha Stuart is helping a company to create a new line of CBD products for pets and humans. CBD infused products cover a wide range, including sparkling water, cereal, popcorn, coffee, candy, baked goods, and more. To make these taste good, the CBD is infused with additives, such as spices and terpenes. With the research into the benefits of CBD having only just begun, there is ample room for more infused products, such as supplements. In the meantime, restaurants and food suppliers are selling CBD infused items on their menus.

What is CBD?

CBD is just one of 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, otherwise known as hemp, and contains 40 percent of the plant’s extract. In recent times, CBD has gained much attention since it is non-psychoactive and considered a natural way to treat many ailments, including pain, anxiety, acne, insomnia, childhood epilepsy, and more. Why has it taken us so long to get here? That’s because of the negative stigma associated with the cannabis plant and the propaganda used to push this frame of thought on the public, mainly due to cannabis containing THC. However, Hemp and CBD don’t get you high. In 2018, the United States Farm Bill, signed into effect by President Donald Trump, finally removed hemp as a controlled substance, which opened the gates for CBD extractions to be sold in beverages, food, skincare products, and other consumables, even though it is technically still illegal. Walk into any marijuana dispensary and you’re sure to find many products containing CBD, which doesn’t have THC in it.

What are Terpenes?

Have you wondered what gives each plant its own taste, smell, and effect? Its terpenes and the cannabis plant has hundreds of individual terpenes.  They don’t have much flavor to them, however, so companies like True Extracts are creating botanically-derived aromatic terpene concentrations that are blended with other terpene combinations. The outcome is then a terpene that smells like a burger or blueberry muffin yet feels like a strain of CBD when you eat the food. Since there is an abundance of alternate plant-based terpenes and CBD extracts, CBD infused consumables can be made in an infinite number of combinations. Without limitation, CBD can be added to any food.

CBD Regulations

It isn’t a free for all, however. The FDA regulates CBD products that are added to substances, which means that adding CBD to food is still illegal, yet it is still being done. The only time it is legal is as a prescription for epilepsy patients as an anti-seizure medicine. However, CBD infused foods are being sold at dispensaires in states like Arizona, Washington, and Colorado. Can these businesses get in trouble? Probably not, but as other companies, like restaurants, that are not government-approved dispensaires start adding CBD to their food, there could be legal action. Despite this, there has been no slowdown of CBD infused products. Case in point: in Denver, a Carl’s Jr franchise quickly sold out of a one-day-only extract infused burger, showing that the public wants CBD infused foods, and businesses are ready to deliver.

The Popularity of CBD

Adding CBD to foods is extremely popular. In fact, it has been dubbed the most chill food trend of 2019 by many media outlets. Adding CBD to foods is a good business step to take. Think about it. When you add CBD to a snack or meal, you can charge much more for the item because it provides medicinal properties to reduce anxiety and stress, for example. While these companies make many health claims, it is always best to do your own research before you put your trust in them. Making unreal claims that a product does something it doesn’t is against the law.

As national interest increases, lawmakers will have no choice but to address the CBD issue. The result will likely be us seeing CBD infused foods at traditional establishments and at grocery stores. There could be an entire CBD infused aisle at your local market.

In the meantime, companies are looking at audience demographics to identify current market trends and create a brand strategy. For example, when catering to a younger audience, a company would probably choose an ingestible CBD oil capsule. On the other hand, for an audience of senior citizens, they’d market something that feels more medicinal. When it comes to packaging, this too is geared toward a certain demographic.  For example, when selling infused candies for the twenty-something age, companies tend to design their packaging with bright colors.

Introducing CBD into Your Menu

Despite the legal ambiguity surrounding CBD-infused foods, adding them to your menu is a unique way to market. Food trends are the perfect way to get new customers who want to try CBD food. In fact, adding CBD food to your menu could be the next big thing in your area and rake you in a lot of business. It’s recommended to gradually add CBD to your menu. One way to do this is to add them during happy hour or hold an event where you feature CBD-infused food items. Start off small and see what the turnout is like. Chances are, you’ll be selling out just as fast as you can make the food. Then, you can make these special items a regular thing at your restaurant.

True Extracts Terpenes

Are you looking for all-natural terpenes instead of those that are chemical-based? At True Extracts, we only use natural ingredients to create terpene combinations that mirror almost any flavor or taste. In fact, we have over 200 of the most popular strains that you can shop now. To learn more, you can contact us at 480-663-3205 or